Cookie and Privacy Policy

[Effective: 1st August 2024]

Cookie Policy

We use neither cookies nor analytics tools for our website.

However, we use third parties who provide us with necessary services such as hosting, and have links and images embedded connecting to third party sites. Please make sure to check their respective cookie policy.

Privacy Policy

At Realms we take your privacy seriously and take the necessary steps to respect and protect it when interacting with our “Website”,, and our Realms products (collectively, the “Platform”).

In this “Policy” we will explain to you what information we collect, how we use it and how we protect it.

What is “Personal Information”?

 “Personal Information” as used in this Policy means any information relating to an identifiable natural person. Unless specified anywhere in this policy Realms will not give, sell, rent, or loan any Personal Information to any third party.

Any “Other Data” provided is anonymized, cannot be identified, and/or is aggregated so as not to identify or permit the identification of any individual.

How we collect, use and share Personal Information

We currently do not collect any Personal Information, unless where specified in the Policy. 

The Platform uses third party applications which may collect Personal Information.

We may in the future receive Personal Information about you from third parties.

We currently collect “Other Data” including Discord specific identifiers such as Server and User IDs and names and all Realms bot related interactions and activities. This “Other Data” is used to understand website interactions and the use of our product so that we can better consider new features or otherwise tailor the Platform. The use of “Other Data” is necessary to provide meaningful support services. 

Links to third party websites

This Policy only applies to information collected by the Platform.

The Platform links to third party websites and services.

You should always review, and if necessary, adjust your privacy settings on third-party websites and services before engaging with them.

Their use by us is neither an endorsement nor are we responsible for their privacy practices or the content of websites or applications operated by such third parties. Use at your own risk!

Testimonials, reviews, partners

Occasionally we may post customer testimonials on the Website which may contain Personal Information. We will always obtain your consent prior to posting any Personal Information included in your testimonial(s).

We may also display partner logos of entities with whom we collaborate for which we will always always obtain consent prior to posting. 

Hosting and data transfer

The platform is operated in the United States and we would transfer and process your Personal Information there. We may decide to use other countries going forward. If you do not agree, do not use the Platform.

Contact us

If you have questions regarding the Cookie and Privacy Policy or about the privacy practices at Realms, please contact us by email at:

Policy Updates

We will update this Policy from time to time. You are advised to review these policies periodically for any changes. Changes to this Policy are effective when they are posted on this page, stated in the "EFFECTIVE" date section at the top of this page. If we make material changes, we will let you know.